There are SO many books out there about creativity and ideas.
One of the inspirations for Faster Ideas was to sort the wheat from the chaff when it comes to books about creativity. We wanted a list of the best titles to pick from ourselves, so we could go deeper into different creative techniques.
That’s the thinking behind Speedier Reads.
But we don't want it to be just what we think!
What's the best creative book of all time?
Do you have a favourite book about creativity, creative living, working, creative practice or creative thinking? Your ‘go-to’ guide that you’re always gifting or recommending? Whether it’s The Artist’s Journey, Edward De Bono or Bob Ross, Faster Ideas would love you to share your favourite creative book in a Speedier Reads video review.
We've also signed up to be an affiliate to UK - the online bookshop with a mission to financially support local and independent bookshops.
As we add to Speedier Reads, we'll create our own book list of the best creative books on our Faster Ideas page and link to buy on UK with each review.
Film yourself (Landscape/16:9 please) speaking to camera about your favourite book - Maximum 10 minutes
Introduce yourself: Tell us who you are, your job/s and any other things you do (side hustles etc)
The Book: Tell us the Title & Author of your book and the year it was published
Tell us why you like it, how it's helped you
Who would enjoy the book or who is it aimed at?
Any particular favourite bits or sections of the book
When you first read it or any personal connections to the book - such us who recommended it to you, or who you've recommended it to since
If you have a copy of the book to use as a prop in the video (or even the Kindle cover), great, but it's not necessary.
Give yourself a plug! Tell us where we can find you on social media/online (if you want)
Send your video in a WeTransfer link to
We'll be in touch to tell you when your video will go live.
Please note: Faster Ideas retains full editorial control of any videos submitted.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.